Dear First Baptist Family, 

Yesterday’s text experiment during my message on the 4th Beatitude was a lot of fun. The question was asked, “What are some things that humans “hunger” and “thirst” for?” About 50 people texted their responses: approval from others, community, chocolate, peace, attention, power, “the next big thing,” love, and so on.

We then looked at what Jesus said will ultimately provide us with satisfaction. The secret is found in hungering and thirsting for righteousness. But what is righteousness? 

In addition to seeking to live a holy life, we talked about how hungering and thirsting for righteousness means “to pursue right relationships with passion.” Fulfillment is given when we make having a great relationship with God and others our main goal in life.

How do we do that? The second question requesting a text response was, “What are some practical ways you can “hunger” and “thirst” for right relationships — with God and others — this week?” People responded with many thoughtful answers, such as praying without ceasing, writing a thank you note to someone who helped you, praying for people you disagree with, committing time to God, and treating all with kindness.  

Today I’d like to offer one more simple way that you can live out this Beatitude. It’s something you can (and need to) do every day. It’s easy to remember and can be done wherever you are. 

Pray the Lord’s Prayer. 

Jesus’ “model prayer” encapsulates the whole teaching of the Sermon on the Mount. It summarizes the kind of life that is directed toward God and seeking His kingdom.

Take some time today to pray the Lord’s Prayer. You could pray it in a way like this:

Our Father…God, You are a loving Heavenly Father. You’re my Abba, my daddy….and You have everything I need. You’re good and generous. You have wisdom to share with me. You’re a good father, and I know You would never steer me in a direction that is bad for me. I depend on You today. 

Who Art In Heaven…You’re close like a father, but so much bigger and greater than I can imagine. You exist in a realm that I can’t see, but make Yourself available to me right here, right now. Your kingdom is established in heaven where there is perfect peace, love, and joy.

Hallowed Be Your Name….Your name is holy, power, and life. There is no greater name than the name of Jesus. I hallow Your name today, giving reverence, respect, and humble submission. 

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done…Your kingdom will never end, so let Your will be done, not mine. Your will is to see men and women come to You for salvation and transformation. Thank you for Your will to realize the renewal of all things.  

On Earth As It Is In Heaven…Let Your kingdom come more on earth today than it was yesterday. Use me as a worker in Your field of the world, to bring light, truth, kindness, and grace.

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread…Thank You for providing enough for me today. Help me to share with others so that they won’t be hungry. Thank you that You are the Living Bread and You supply all of my needs.

Forgive Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us…I’m thankful for Your generous forgiveness and mercy. Thank you for the cross and Your costly sacrifice. May I forgive everyone their trespasses against me, since I have been forgiven so much.  

Lead Us Not Into Temptation…God, today I know I will encounter many temptations and snares. Help me to guard my heart and mind. I know You will be with me in temptation and find a way out of it so I won’t fall into sin.

Deliver Us From Evil…There may be evil in the world — abuse, corruption, greed, racism, callous indifference — but You are greater than any evil in the world. You’re a great deliverer and refuge when I encounter trouble today. 

When you pray this prayer throughout the day, you will be affirming your dependence on God, declaring that you are available for God’s purposes, and opening yourself to God’s help. You will have a humble heart that will forgive quickly, because God has been abundantly forgiving of your sins. You can say with confidence, “Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever, Amen!”

Simple put, when you pray like this, you will be hungering and thirsting for righteousness. 

I am praying for you this week. I know God is watching over your life and ready to assist you with all you need. Don’t be afraid. 

With much love,

Pastor Brent McDougal