1st Kids - Preschool and Children's Ministry
Welcome to 1st Kids, FBC’s ministry to Preschoolers and Children from birth – Grade 5. It is our goal to provide an environment where God’s Holy spirit can work to bring each child to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and where preschoolers and children can grow and mature spiritually on their level.
It is a well proven fact that a high percentage of Christians express their belief in Jesus as their Savior during the elementary years. The First Kids staff take their call and commitment to working with children very seriously and strive to create an environment each time a child is at church to enhance this. Whether it is a Sunday morning Bible Study, Wednesday evening choir or mission group, Kids Camp, VBS, a retreat, or other outside activity, where children are gathered, the opportunity exists to share the love of Jesus Christ. We also are committed to working with parents and families to help support them as they guide their child on their spiritual journey. Please do not hesitate to contact Susan Tatum, Minister with Children and Families with any questions ([email protected]).
To learn more about what you can expect on Sundays and Wednesdays, click here.

What happens on Sundays?
Our Children’s area (grades 1-5) is currently undergoing some major renovation on the 2nd floor. We are looking forward to opening this area back up by the end of the year. Until then, Grades 1-5 are meeting on the 3 rd floor for all activities with one exception which will be mentioned later.
Children gather for a large group time of celebration, music, videos and bible stories. In First Kids, we use the Orange Curriculum, focusing on the relationship among kids and on their relationship with God based on Luke 2:52 (who Jesus is, the sacrifice he made for them, and how they can respond to become a follower of Christ).
At 10:30, the group breaks out into small groups for a time of follow up and application of the lesson for the day. Parents pick up their child at 10:45.
What Happens on Wednesdays?
While we are renovating, our locations are as follows:
Our mid-week family supper line opens at 5:00 in Trentham Hall. Kids Hut is a special area designed for children and families to eat together and visit with other families. Age-graded choirs begin at 5:40pm. Ages 3-4 years and K-2nd grade meet on the 1st floor. Grades 3-5 meet on the 3rd floor.
At 6:25 kids transition to mission groups with ages 3 years- K remaining on the 1st floor and grades 1-5 meeting on the 2nd floor. All activities end at 7:15.

Exploring What it Means to be a Christian?
Many parents wonder what the next step is when a child begins to ask questions about salvation and being baptized. Classes are offered throughout the year to help answer questions children may have or confirm any decisions they have made concerning these topics.
Topics include (among other questions):
- What does it mean to become a Christian and get baptized?
- How will I know when I am ready for that?
- Why do I need to get baptized?
- What is the church?
These classes are usually scheduled on a Sunday afternoon as needed following the 11:00 service with the Minister with Children and Families. Contact Susan Tatum ([email protected]) to find out more.
Thinking of a child/family dedication?
The birth of a new baby brings both incredible joy and perhaps some fears to new parents. We believe that children are a “gift from God” (Psalm 127:3) and are given as blessings, but also come with unique responsibilities and challenges. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to “train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
The 1st Kids ministry desires to walk alongside parents whether it is their first child or one of many to offer support, care, love and most importantly prayer as parents face an ever changing and many times challenging world.
One of the ways that we do this is to observe Child and Family Dedications during our worship services. A new baby and family are introduced to our church family during the Sunday morning service. This is a time not only to offer thanks to God for this new life, but also for our church family to commit to praying for and supporting this baby and their family.
Child and Family dedications can be arranged by contacting Susan Tatum, Minister with Children and Families ([email protected]).

Let’s Get Connected
We’d love to get to know you. Find out more information about the ministries and mission activities at First Baptist Knoxville. Let us know about your prayer needs. Let’s get connected — click the button below to get started.