Worship Leadership Opportunities
Sanctuary Choir

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7 pm, Choir Suite
Golden Notes Choir

Rehearsals: Thursdays at 10:30 am in Room 302
Golden Notes is our very active Senior Adult Choir. They led worship in the 11:00 Service regularly, sing at nursing and assisted living facilities throughout East Tennessee and go on an annual spring tour. This is not an auditioned choir, and all are welcome to participate.
Contact: Steve Foster at [email protected]
Youth Worship

Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 4:30 Youth Suite
The Youth Worship team leads worship most Sunday mornings for Sunday School, and leads in First Community and/or 11:00 Service a few times a year. Open to students 6 th -12 th Grades.
Contact: Chuck Powell at [email protected]
Children’s Choirs

Rehearsals: Wednesdays at 5:45pm
- Singing Cherubs 2-5yrs
- Music Makers K-2 nd
- Young Musicians 3 rd -5 th
Children love to sing, so we seek to teach them how to sing well, and worship God with their whole body. Singing, dancing, instruments, and drama all are vehicles for our little ones to discover God’s love for us, and demonstrate our love for God.
Contact: Richard Buerkle at [email protected]

Rehearsals Mondays at 7pm Chapel
The Belltone Believers help lead worship periodically in selected worship services and special occasions.
Contact: Richard Buerkle at [email protected]
Art Class

Thursdays, 12-3 pm Room 102
Whether you are an expert or a beginner, all are welcome in our art class. Class members do more than just paint, they support one another and fellowship. It is a very warm community focused on using art to glorify God.
Contact: Brad Bittle at [email protected]
Broadcast and Tech Ministry

Our Broadcast ministry reaches over 10,000 people every week. Under the guidance of our Video Director, Seth Ramsdell and Audio Director, Michael Moore, this crew of volunteers run cameras, direct, fire graphics, and engineer sound for both services as well as Bible Studies and events throughout the week.
Contact: Seth Ramsdell at [email protected]