The Victorious Limp

The Victorious Limp

In the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, there was a British runner named Derek Hammond who was the potential favorite in the 400 meter race. He got off to a very good start, but about 150 meters into the race, he felt a pop in his leg. His hamstring was ruptured. Hammond fell...
You’re Trippin’

You’re Trippin’

When I started my freshman year at Emory University, I was excited for the new adventure but also apprehensive about leaving home and starting a new chapter of life. Would I find a close group of friends like I had in high school? Would the classes be too hard? How...
The Dance of Love

The Dance of Love

One of the most awkward seasons of my adolescent life was when my mom signed me up for something called cotillion. I think I was in the 7th grade, but I can’t really remember — I may have blocked it out. Cotillion is a kind of dance ball where you learn traditional...
Cheers to 100 Years

Cheers to 100 Years

Living to be 100 is a big deal. While most people aspire to live to a good old age, only a few people make it to the century mark. Oftentimes centenarians are asked about their secret. How were they able to live so long? What wisdom would they pass down to others?...
Confidence in the Changes

Confidence in the Changes

Our theme for the last few weeks has been Changed for Good. There are lots of ways that we change over time. Our bodies change. Our families change. Our circumstances are always changing. Some changes are welcome — a better job, an improved relationship, an...