Enhance your marriage with world renowned author, Dr. Gary Chapman

Looking for the video recordings?
Couples and individuals who registered for the conference will have 30 days of access to the session recordings. Check your email to access the password. Not finding it? Email the Event Coordinator.
First Baptist Church of Knoxville is excited to kick off the 100th Anniversary on Main Street Event Series with world renowned author of the Five Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman.
Whether you’ve been married six months or sixty years, every marriage can use a boost. In this popular one-day conference led by Dr. Gary Chapman, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The 5 Love Languages®, you and your spouse will focus on the basics of every marriage. With wisdom and a healthy dose of humor, Dr. Chapman gives valuable tips on breaking unhealthy patterns and choosing to develop a more intimate, happy marriage.
Session Titles and Information
Communication 101
Honest and healthy communication is essential for a thriving marriage. Most couples experience some sort of difficulty in having profitable discussions with their spouse. Some even say, “We don’t really talk at all.” Discover your own tendency to be a “babbling brook” or a “dead sea” and how to deal with its implications. Hear Dr. Chapman present memorable anecdotes that drive home his practical advice that any couple can use to improve their communication.
Understanding and Expressing Love
What should couples do when those exciting feelings of love seem to be long gone? Learning your spouse’s “love language” and choosing to act out of love are the steps to renewing your relationship. Dr. Chapman explains how to rekindle those emotions with a few simple strategies couples can use to express love to their spouses and refill the empty “love tank” in each of them.
Initiating Positive Change
Dr. Chapman speaks to both wives and husbands in this session as he shares the key to thriving marriages. While stressing the value and significance of both partners, he will help couples gain clarity in their quest toward a unified, growing marriage. You will receive advice on how to handle strong disagreements, power struggles and poor decisions.
Making Sex a Mutual Joy
We may giggle at or avoid the subject, but there is no denying that God created sex and designed it as a powerful forum for loving your spouse. What better place to address misconceptions, talk about difficulties and explain God’s intention for sex than a session with Dr. Gary Chapman, who has over 40 years of experience in marital counseling and can candidly address this important issue?
How to Share the Things that Bug You
When the differences within your marriage rear their ugly heads, how do you process them without damaging your mate? In this session, Dr. Chapman will teach you ways to lovingly accept your spouse while letting your voice be heard. Learn the delicate art of constructive criticism and how to let laughter reign in your marriage.
Conference Day Information

Where to Park
On the day of the conference, you’ll want to navigate to the “Main Avenue Garage” located at 550 W Main St., Knoxville TN 37902. This garage is located directly behind the Bank of America building and is attached to FBC Knoxville and is free on Saturdays. There is also overflow parking off Locust street which you can enter just past the stop sign at Hill Street. Click below to see a map.
Where to Eat
Conference attendees will have 1.5 hours for lunch. If you didn’t opt for the Chick-fil-a lunch, we recommend checking out one of the many fantastic restaurants downtown for a “day-date” with your spouse! Click below to check out the ‘Visit Knoxville” list of options. Be sure to take advantage of the many coffee shops downtown as well!